

Children’s Ministries:

Here at Redeemer, we want parents to feel comfortable dropping their children off into the care of others.  We work hard to maintain fun, safe and secure environments where you children can learn about God and play with their peers.

We offer classes for three different age groups on Sunday morning.

Nursery (0-2 Years Old): The focus in this room is a fun and safe play environment. The teachers may provide a short Bible story for the older toddlers. Nursery age children can be dropped off before service.

Pre-School (3-4 Years Old): The focus in this room is a fun and safe learning environment. The teachers will lead in a lesson, video, craft, and memory verse. With any additional time, the kids can participate in free play. Pre-School age children can be dropped off before service.

Children’s Church (5 Years Old – 1st Grade & 2nd – 3rd Grade): The focus in this class is a fun a safe learning environment. After worship, kids are dismissed for Children’s Church. We divide into two classrooms to ensure we are providing age appropriate teaching. The teacher will lead in a prayer, lesson, activity, and memory verse.


In Children’s Church we utilize the Answers Bible Curriculum. This curriculum brings the Bible to life and addresses the real-life issues that confront Christians today. Teachers and students alike will get a thorough understanding of the teachings and relevance of Scripture. All ages are equipped to defend their faith, becoming conformed to the image of Christ, as they learn to apply God’s Word in their everyday lives. The children will learn 6 key concepts.

1. We can trust all of God’s Word beginning in Genesis.
2. We must be ready to give an answer for what we believe.
3. The Bible presents true history, not made-up “stories.”
4. God’s attributes are displayed throughout the Bible.
5. God’s plan of redemption is woven throughout Scripture.
6. We are to live in light of what the Bible teaches

In Pre-School we utilize The Gospel Project curriculum. Every week, preschoolers will experience the good news of the gospel through a Bible study that is:

Christ Centered – It’s all about Jesus, and every story points back to Him.

Heart Transforming – This study is designed to encourage true transformation that comes only from the gospel, not from behavior modification.

Chronological – Kids will study the narrative of the Bible in order, from Genesis to Revelation.

Theologically Rich – All studies are presented in an age-aware manner, and every session is doctrinally sound and thorough.

Missionally Minded – Every session asks kids how they can respond to the teaching by sharing and living out the gospel.