The Gospel:
Redeemer Church exists to exalt God above all things, through a joyful passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To learn more about the Gospel click here.
Where to Go:
Currently, we worship together on Sundays at the Winterset High School Auditorium.
Winterset High School- 624 Husky Dr, Winterset, Ia 50273
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The Building:
We meet in a school, so everything is just a little different. The main entrance is on the east side of the building, but there is also an entrance on the west side of the building, feel free to use either one. We have greeters who will welcome you and direct you where to go. Please grab a communication card from the welcome table or one of the greeters and let us know of your visit. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask any of the greeters. They are there to assist you with whatever you need.
Nursery and Children’s Church:
If you have children ages four and under we provide two children’s classrooms, 0-2 years old and 3-4 years old. If you enter through the east doors, you will see signs for the nursery. If you enter through the west doors, the nursery will be directly to your left when you come in. You’ll see tables with some workers waiting to check your kids in. Plan on showing up 5-10 minutes early if you have kids to check in. If the nursery needs to get ahold of you during the service, one of the workers will call/text you or come and get you. We also have Children’s Church for kids ages 5-3rd Grade. Children’s Church does not meet on the first Sunday of the month but it does meet all the remaining weeks, all year long. Kids are dismissed to Children’s Church from the service after we finish singing and before the sermon starts. The teachers will meet the kids right outside the auditorium doors and lead them to class. For more info, check out our Children’s Ministry page.
Information Booth and Resource Center:
In the middle of the foyer we have an information booth and resource center. There is a lot of stuff at the info center, so take a few minutes to look it over. We have many free resources for you and often books to purchase. You should receive a printed bulletin when you walk in. Fill out the communication card tear-off and take it to the info booth. We would love to give you a fun first time visitor gift!
The Service
Service starts at 10am on the dot. You’ll know we’re getting started when you hear the band! We normally start with a few songs, a time of prayer, Scripture reading, and announcements. After that Children’s church kids will be dismissed to follow the teacher back to the classroom. The pastor will take over after the music and spend about 45 minutes preaching.
Hopefully that will give you a good idea of what a Sunday morning is like at Redeemer, but the only way you’ll truly get the experience is if you come and visit.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Watch Online
We livestream our service on our YouTube page every Sunday. You can join us at 10:00am here: